Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Life Is Tough

I know I haven't updated lately, but up until recently I could tell you it was just because Baby Flamingo keeps me so busy, which is true. She does.

Life is tough sometimes- that's all I can really say without getting word vomity.

Just because I'm being vague about these things know that the immediate Flamingo Family is fine. We are not making earth shattering decisions about us, we are still being blessed each day by God's love and His light.

Life is tough, but here are some great things.

Baby Flamingo helps me keep it all in perspective. She lights up when I come into a room. She wants to crawl so bad that she can't stand it and can still only roll onto her belly and not off of it. She likes any food that's orange and will tolerate green ones if I mix them with an orange one. She can sit up by herself for a long time but will eventually topple. She has a tooth. Our life together is amazing. Our life before her was full, but it's definitely richer now.

I'm too excited to see New Moon when it comes out- Daddy Flamingo knows that he'll need to be home from work early to watch her so I can go see it. It's a must. Oh! And everyone should see The Blind Side, it was filmed in my neighborhood.

I'm hoping to join the Y this weekend so I can start working out a couple of times a week. This thrills me. I'm still not allowed to really do heavy cardio or anything because of my heart, but I'm cleared to swim if I keep it cool. I've never been overly into exercise (have you tried the eliptical with one leg? Doesn't work, FYI) but I need to do something. I might be back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I'm still rubbery. TMI? Maybe?

Because we all need something cute- Baby Flamingo!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Last Week

Last week was busy here at Casa Flamingo. We celebrated my birthday, my mom's birthday and then Baby Flamingo's HALF birthday. We also went to our first ever kid birthday. Lots of birthdays! I was strangely more excited about this half birthday than I was anything else.

I'd been thinking for weeks how I wanted to make Baby Flamingo a half birthday cake. Something I blatantly stole from a Family of Fish. Now, if you know me you know that I get hung up on certain things. When I was getting married I got hung up on chair covers for the reception (I got over it when I got cool wooden chairs). Well, with this half birthday cake I got hung up on the cake not being cut in half but having a finished edge. Strange I know. So, I would lay awake at night thinking of how I was going to do this and decided to document it for all of you.

To achieve my "finished" edge I put in a wedge of tinfoil that I thoroughly greased up with crisco. I also used crisco to seal the tinfoil down so the cake batter wouldn't seep under it. I dyed the batter green and used strawberry frosting so the cake would be the colors of Baby Flamingo's room (and half of her clothing). I was pretty happy with my cake! But, you'll notice that I also made another cake, gotta have a back up plan.

We went to the doctor yesterday and was pleased to see that Baby Flamingo is growing just the way she is supposed to.

Birth: 5.14 lbs Six Months: 15.3 lbs
18.5 inches 26.5 inches

She's in the 30% for weight but at 73% of height! Definitely takes after Daddy there.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Room and Life Verses

When I found out I was pregnant it was the most exciting and terrifying moment in my life. I immediately prayed for the little baby that was growing inside of me. I did this even before running out of the bathroom to show my husband the positive pregnancy test. At 11 weeks I had some spotting and was once again terrified with fear that something was going wrong but thankfully nothing was. It was during this time that I ran across a blog of a family that had been through some trying times. They had posted a verse that spoke to me in such a deep way that I knew that it was going to be the verse that carried me through this pregnancy.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

When the time came to begin to come of with a life verse (something I blatantly stole from friends) for her I was searching and praying when Daddy Flamingo just looked up one evening and goes, "You should use the 2 Timothy verse for her." and it was perfect.

PS the weird net over her crib is a cat tent to keep the cats out of her crib. I don't think their going to smother her or anything but I hate the fact that I have to change the sheets all the time.

5 months old

Baby Flamingo turned five months old about a week ago. And on this day she decided to learn how to roll over. BF HATES tummy time with a passion. She would rather be anywhere than on her stomach. And what happens? She has learned to roll from her back to her stomach and cannot get off of it. It never fails that she rolls while I'm in another room (either doing laundry or making dinner) and then begins to protest quite loudly when she can't get roll to her back.

Baby Flamingo has just become more fun and more exciting with each day (and really hour). She sleeps great (I try not to say too much about this because so many of my friends have sleep issues) and has been since about 12 weeks. She's gotten a nap routine down that is somewhat predictable and this gives me enough time in the day to get all of the housewifely things done.

Last week Baby Flamingo got to meet someone in my life is quite important. She met the doctor who saved my life 20 years ago. It was such a special moment for me. To be there watching a man I look at as a father playing with my little girl. I could only imagine how surreal it was for him- seeing the girl that had grave odds, not only living but being a mom. I like to think it was pretty special for him too.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Birth Story Regrets and Mommy Guilt.

Lately I've been seeing lots of talk on my favorite mommy-blogs about birth story regrets. Women who might not have had that ideal birth and who regret it and mourn for what they didn't get.

I've never regretted that Baby Flamingo was born via c-section. Did I want a vaginal birth? Did I have those images of my husband holding my hand and urging me to push or to breathe? Did I want to see how long I could go before I begged for the epidural? Yeah, I wanted all of those things.

When they sent me down to L&D at 34 weeks pregnant to deliver I freaked out majorly. I didn't have my bag or it even finished being packed. I had almost finished her room, but still didn't have her shelves put up yet (FYI, that was finished last week), I had obviously not bought enough preemie clothes or diapers and MY MOM WASN'T HERE! I was scared and nervous and terrified that my sweet little baby had not had enough time to finish all of those developments. I knew that she'd be fine really, but it was terrifying. I wasn't in labor, but my heart was struggling a bit to support both of us... and that is where my guilt comes in.

Thankfully they doctors all decided to keep my inpatient, make me rest and watch my heart and the baby for a week, get me to 35 weeks and then deliver. I am so thankful for that week. It was during that week that my mind adjusted and accepted that I wasn't going to have that idealized birth in my head but instead going to have a realistic one that was safe for me and my sweet baby.

Have I had guilt? Not so much about my birth story, more for the fact that she was early and needed some help in the beginning... had even more about not being able to breastfeed... but as I look at my sweet little girl who gifts me with smiles and giggles... who loves for me to rock her to sleep... It is all perfect. Her birth story isn't over because her life is just beginning. I can't wait to see what kind of woman she will be.


Some things I have realized lately...

1. Baby Flamingo only wants to go to sleep if I am putting her to sleep. We are trying to work on this, but it's a challenge at times.

2. She does not care for rice cereal. She does seem to like the oatmeal more.

3. While she has not yet managed to roll over (I try not to stress out about it) she does wriggle herself all around her area. I'll lay her down at night one way and she'll be 180* by morning.

4. She likes creamcheese icing (I was working on some cupcakes and she managed to get a lick.

5. It doesn't matter what time she woke up, she'll want a nap around 10ish.

Friday, July 17, 2009

4 Months

Last Sunday Baby Flamingo turned a whole Four Months old.

On March 12 I was wheeled to the delivery room while my very nervous husband tried several times to get those stupid little booties on his feet. They began to work on my epidural and a-line that they used to monitor my pressure internally... my epidural took a while because I'm a little crooked. Mr.Flamingo began to worry because in his little holding room he heard a nurse tell a waiting couple that it'd be a few more minutes because of the "complicated" case before them. Finally everything was ready and Mr.Flamingo joined us and within 10 minutes our sweet little Flamingo joined us and we were a family of three.

In the past four months things have changed drastically and in ways I never anticipated. I'd had roughly eight months to come to terms with becoming a parent. I knew there would be sleepless nights (because EVERYONE TOLD ME THAT ALL THE TIME) and that going to the movies every Monday was out. What I didn't realize was that a quick trip to CVS would no longer exist. That my meandering trips to Target would be out and that I'd become a list user so I didn't dawdle anymore than Baby Flamingo would let me. That I would occasionally miss teaching (I miss the teaching and the students, not the stress) but that I would never want to go back and have someone else watch my sweet baby during this time. I didn't realize the sheer joy of watching her discover something new or at seeing her make a face that I'd seen countless times on her own Dad's face. I didn't know that I would laugh out loud so much at the things she does.

I could never have been fully prepared for Baby Flamingo or all of the things that she has learned in the four months that she's been here. She's mastered sleeping through the night (and sometimes I have to wake her up in the morning because I want to play). She has found her hands but still has problems getting her thumb in her mouth all of the time. She is a gracious smiler and will dole them out to just about anyone. When she laughs it sounds like a drunk old man, between the huffs and hiccups that inevitably happen.

Some of Baby Flamingo's favorite things:

* Her bottle
* Her play yard that provides hours of entertainment
* The cats
* The television when Mommy forgets to turn it off
* Being an airplane
* Her thumb

Somethings she's not too fond of:

* Shots
* Clothing changes or clothes at all
* Socks or shoes
* Anything that goes on her head
* Her Ergo Carrier when it's hot
* Tummy time

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Father's Day

Father's Day was extra special in the Flamingo household. It was that weekend that we decided to have Kennedy dedicated at church. We were so blessed to be able to have Grandma Flamingo (my MIL) and Aunt J. Flamingo (Aunt-in-law) come into town as well as all of my family. It was a very special

I've never put a lot of stock into Father's Day because my own father was/is lacking in the fathering aspect of being a Father. I never got all gooey over the thoughts of my Dad teaching me to ride a bike (he didn't) or walking me down the aisle (didn't do that either- didn't know I was married until a year later). This was not only Baby Flamingo's first Father's Day, it was mine as well. I loved picking out just the right gift for Daddy Flamingo (I love gift giving) and the right cards. I got such a kick out of all of it.

But, I know this is not the most important part. That Father's Day is not a once a year thing. It's an every day thing. He is always there for us, not only in the most basic manners as far as making sure we are taken care of. His love for us is visible. His desire to teach Baby Flamingo to seek out Christ and to raise her in a loving and stable household is his top priority. He helps me do whatever it is that needs to be done that day, and often does it without even a thank you from me. I can't wait to teach Baby Flamingo how to say thank you and I love you... and to watch her Daddy the first time she says that to him.

Thank you honey for being such a great Daddy... Thank you for my first Father's Day too.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Objects May Be Closer Than They Appear

Baby Flamingo has discovered objects! Her play yard is a thing of wonder and excitement and typically gives me enough time to get my breakfast and meds taken before she loses her patience with me. She has figured out how to get her hands in her mouth but I'm not sure that she realizes she has hands yet. For the past week when I go into her room to get her in the AM she is sucking her thumb (which is the CUTEST thing ever). Just now I put the mobile on her bouncy seat and it was so exciting she had to spit up a little.

I like to joke that she's working on her first novel, "Fighting Sleep in 10 Easy Steps." the first step being, 1. Look cute! Your Mom won't be able to resist kissing those cheeks!

My MIL- Gramma Flamingo and her Sister Auntie J. came for a visit over the weekend for BF's dedication at church. They loved taking care of BF and spoiling her rotten. I just hope she doesn't get too angry with me now that they've gone back home.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Big Girl

Baby Flamingo is being such a big girl! She's done great the past two nights in her crib. The first night she slept from her 11:00 feeding until 6 the next morning (and I only went in once to check on her too) and last night she slept from about 9 until 3:30. During the day she still eats about every three hours, but I'm loving this at night thing. Of course, last night when she woke up at 3:30 I was then awake until 8:30. We both took a nap then.

Today when we got home from running some errands we found out that Baby Flamingo really enjoys sitting up like a big girl. Not so much in her Bumbo seat, but just propped up on our couch.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Catie's Cure Classic and Moving

I have always been involved in the fight against Childhood Cancer... Consider donating to this fundraiser. I know times are tough, especially for those of us who don't get actual paychecks from our employers (except in smiles and giggles). But, if you have $25.00 think about donating.

Can I say that I love the fact that Project Runway is coming back in August? Also, that it's still in re-runs on Bravo. Of course, I shouldn't be watching it right now or writing this since Baby Flamingo's room is a mess right now. I'm trying to get her clothes organized because we don't have a dresser for her currently (grrr.) and her little clothes can end up all over the place. Plus I needed to weed out the onsies that don't fit anymore. I'm proud to say that she's grown out of most of her New Born clothing, of course she's 12 weeks today. There are still several New Born things that she wears, but a lot of her onsies don't fit.

I'm taking a HUGE step and trying to move Baby Flamingo into her room tonight. I'm nervous about moving her into her room because she has some serious reflux and likes to make me nervous by getting chokey sounding. Her doctor swears that she'll out grown this, but it still freaks me out. Currently her crib is up against the wall but, I'm going to move it to the center over her shag pink rug (which she'll love when she's 17)so I can put her cradle back in her room as well as the rocking chair. I'm going to use her cradle as a place to put all of her toys and stuffed animals. And if it kills me I'm going to fashion some sort of dresser for her.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Belkis and an Unrelated Note

We here at Flamingos Three have a super woman in our midst. I wish I could say it was me, but alas it is not. About a year and a half ago I was given the fortune of finding Belkis, our AMAZING housekeeper. She comes once a week (and sometimes more just to visit) and makes my house presentable. She cleans every surface, does my laundry, puts it away and even empties my diaper genie. It's a miraculous thing.

Belkis has been with us through our entire pregnancy, she was actually one of the first to know (before Nana Flamingo even, she found the pregnancy test in the bathroom) and gave us a dozen roses to tell us how happy she was. Since Baby Flamingo has been home she's been such a help! Last Monday (that's right she still worked on Memorial Day) she fed BF so I could do some other things around the house. Today she got her to sleep for her morning nap. BF is not one to want to sleep in her crib during the day- she thinks that's what I'm for, but Belkis the magician got her down so I could type this post.

On a totally unrelated note- I'm heading out in a few minutes for my cardiology appointment. We're praying for a completely normal heart with a completely normal ejection fraction so that we can hopefully give BF a sibling to terrorize sometime in the future.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Catching Smiles


Things have been busier than usual at the Flamingo Residence. I guess it usually is in the summer... as a former teacher I've been using my summers to do things I've wanted to do. I went volunteered at camps, taught VBS, worked occasionally at an old job, wrote a manuscript (that I keep saying I'm going to get back to someday) and spent lots of time in bookstores and drinking coffee.

This summer is obviously different. Baby Flamingo doesn't have the interest in the books yet, she does however enjoy the overhead lights at our local shop, so she can get a little fussy with me if we spend too much time looking for new things to read. Thank God I'm already very proficient at and how to request books at the library. But, we have been going to playgroups, end of the school year parties, end of the year plays, doctors appointments, hair appointments (for me, she doesn't have that much hair yet) and of course walks through our local park.

The most exciting thing to happen so far this summer is BF's new trick- she smiles. Now, I do typically have to coax it out of her with a strange high pitched voice, but when I do get them it is the most magical feeling ever.
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Friday, May 22, 2009


So, lately Baby Flamingo has been doing this amazing thing... sleeping until almost 5 a.m. AND then going back to sleep until about 8:30. Granted this puts her morning nap about 11 and her afternoon nap about 5 or so. I'm loving the sleep I'm getting and still trying to nap during at least during one of her naps.

I'm so in love with Baby Flamingo and this "new" family of ours. I feel like it's complete all of a sudden. I love the way that Mr.Flamingo goes to her in the afternoon and can't wait to see if she'll follow him around the room with her eyes (her newest trick). I love the way that I get to spend my days watching her grow and I find something new about her each day to love. She's working on smiling these days and it just makes my heart glow when she'll gift me with one of those sweet gummy smiles.

With all of this love, something magical happened today... I had my first full cup of yummy caffeinated coffee this morning. I ground the beans and put my two spoon fulls of regular sugar, my skim milk and the day got just that much better.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Some Slack

After weeks of struggling with breastfeeding I'm trying to cut myself some slack about it.

My supply has never been great. I've tried pumping ever three hours, fenugreek, mothers milk tea, nursing more often and seen countless lactation consultants. I've spoken on the phone with doctors, midwives and more lactation consultants... the only other option, a drug called regalin causes me to have seizures, is out.

For about three weeks now I've been pumping every three hours religiously. I've been trying to get her at least 5 ounces a day which usually requires about 5 hours of pumping each day. When I described this to the midwife that I was talking to this morning she said what I was doing was "heroic", but at the heart of it all she said, "Mama Flamingo, you've done about all you can. Just keep nursing when you can but chill out on the pumping, you're not living life."

I'm trying to cut myself some slack, but try telling that to my heart that just has a hard time doing that.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


So, I'm watching this documentary on getting your kids into a nursery school in NYC. Now, thankfully we don't live anywhere near NYC and since I can't get Mr.Flamingo to even entertain the idea of visiting NYC I don't think we'll be moving there anytime soon. But,
OMG this process seems so intense! I do want to send BF to a preschool when she's about 1 or so, but just half days on MWF... It's more for her to get some socialization (lest she think she is a cat) and that type of thing. Thankfully in our Largeish-Metropolitan-City we should be able to find this and it shouldn't cost more than my private school college education.

What surprised me though, was at the end they showed the kids going to their first day of school and I started tearing up and I found myself to no one in particular (since BF is napping in her bouncy seat and doesn't really care what I say) that "BF will be fine, it's me that'll have the problem." That's right people... I'm going NUTS! Nana Flamingo (my Mom) said that it's because I'm not around any grown ups these days, which is true... I'm afraid that I'm going to start talking to the cats soon.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I don't know if I've been missed or not... I check here daily, but never seem to have the time or energy or creativity to post. I thought I'd post some more pictures of Baby Flamingo because that's about as creative as I get these days. She'll be 8 weeks old tomorrow, which boggles my mind... how can she already be 8 weeks old? Wasn't I just finding out we were pregnant last week?

My new job is definitely more demanding than anything I've ever done and the monetary benefits are nothing like what I was making as a teacher, but it is by far my favorite profession of all time. Baby Flamingo isn't a great communicator, she's easily frustrated and often more demanding than any middle schooler I ever worked with. She knows what she wants and she wants it right then. She doesn't have a lot of patience for me as I try to decipher what it is she wants or why I get something ready for her. Her thinking is I should have had it prepared before she asked for it. She is definitely vocal in her demands, just not in a language I easily understand. I tell her I'm still working on my telepathy skills. She likes to hold meetings during the middle of the night and wants me to be focused and attentive (and to bring snacks) during these 2 AM meeting of the minds.

But overall, being a Mom is great. I love the little sigh I get from her when she's been crying and I pick her up. It's this sweet little puff of air as I pick her up that says, "oh, there you are." Her little head fits on my chest and she squirrels her little 7 lbs. body so that she fits exactly where her head in under my chin and she'll be content to snuggle there until something else strikes her fancy. She is learning how to focus her eyes and it's enlightening to watch someone discover things we take for granted every day and never notice. Shadows can entertain her for almost half an hour (long enough for me to maybe grab some lunch) and the sunshine coming through her window is fascinating.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baby Flamingo

I don't have a lot of time since I hear a wee one starting to stir and she needs to eat...

Mommyhood is interesting... I think it's a good thing that God makes babies so cute and easy to love because those hours between 2:00 and 6:00 AM are awfully lonely. Baby Flamingo still has her days and nights all confused and we have an awesome party at our house during those hours. Today I'm trying to implement some schedule, but you know, newborns get their way. Also, whenever I've been around other REALLY TINY babies I've found myself getting nervous when they cry and I immediately hand them back to their parents... When Kennedy gets that way I don't get that nervous "OMG! BABY CRYING! WHAT DO I DO?" feeling... instead, I just figure it out.

Now, for what you all probably want more... pictures....

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Introducing Baby Flamingo!
March 12, 2009 at 12:48 PM
5.14.7 lbs. and 18.5 inches

She's currently in the NICU but is doing as well as can be expected. Her little lungs are just a little behind. They put her on a ventilator about 6 hours after she was born. I was still in ICU myself so I hadn't even seen her yet, needless to say that was difficult. My Mom and Mr.Flamingo went as often as they were allowed to take pictures of her for me. Finally the next day they decided I was doing well enough to get out of ICU and be put in a regular bed. I didn't even make it to my actual hospital room, instead I went straight to the NICU so I could meet Baby Flamingo myself. She's perfect. She was taken off of the vent. today and put back on the C-PAP. She has several milestones to meet before she'll be discharged so it looks like for now I'll be going home before she does.

I'm doing well. They've got me on an assortment of meds to make sure my heart continues to behave and so far it is. I feel fine (as well as I can after major surgery) and enjoy all of the pain medication that is offered (even if I do think that the fact that I have to rate my pain each time I get a percocet is a bit much).

I might now have had the "ideal" birth, I have the ideal baby.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So, I've been in the hospital since last Friday.

I went to my Perinatal Specialist (high risk baby doctor) and she decided that it was time to deliver. My heart function while not great, was holding, the babies amniotic fluid wasn't too low, but still not great and I was having some swelling. Mr.Flamingo and I were, of course, a little shocked and slightly overwhelmed. Still so much to do, get the car seat installed, finish decorating her room, etc... It was decided though after some tests that we could try to wait another week and get her to 35 weeks.

I've been treated SO well since I got here. Each of the nurses, techs, doctors, lab techs, food service people (except for Brian who made me cry because I couldn't have the hashbrowns) have been amazing. The hospital has been doing a great job of keeping some sense of consistency for me. I've had the same nurses during the day and at night and they've always done a great job of making sure that I'm well taken care of.

Just found out that Baby Flamingo will be here on Thursday about noon. Woohoo! But, on the same hand, OMG I'm going to be a parent!

Friday, February 27, 2009


So, it official! Baby Flamingo will NOT be born in April, like anticipated. They'll induce me no later than 37 weeks... If we make it to 36 weeks they're going to do an amnio to see her lung function and depending on that induce. CRAZY! Wasn't it yesterday that I was posting for the first time that I was pregnant?

I feel really bad for my friend Brooke. She's taken over my class and she is a GREAT teacher... but she is stuck with the class from hell. I knew what she was going to be in for, and I tried to warn her. The original idea was for me to be there with her for at least for 6 weeks or so (that was when I'd deliver in April, not March). I'm trying to help as much as I can remotely, but I still feel so BAD for leaving her in this position. I just wish I knew what I could to do to help her more... I mean, other than going in and helping her with that class.

Monday, February 23, 2009


So far retirement has just equaled a job change... I went from teacher to professional patient. I was at the doctors office everyday last week except for Wednesday when I actually had to be at school for a little while, so no rest then!

This week is shaping up to be a little less eventful. Today I went out with a friend for her birthday and got a few things... Tomorrow my mom is coming into town (but I don't have to leave the house if I don't want to) and on Wednesday my mom and I will leave here extremely early to get to two doctors appts. that morning... But, we'll know then if they want to possibly deliver BF early or not. I can tell she's getting bigger because she's no longer punching me in the gut so much as rolling which is an interesting sensation to say the least.

32 weeks... only 8 more weeks to go... or 4... ACK!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


So, some of you know that I was planning to quit teaching and just be a Mom once BF got here. I had planned on working right up until I had to deliver which would effectively be spring break at my school...

Well, plans change. I'm officially retired.

Good news is that Baby Flamingo looks healthy, all 4lbs of her and is measuring a week a head... which means that I will be giving birth to a big baby. In the words of my high risk doctor, she looks fabulous.

Bad new, my heart is not taking all of this as well as we hoped. Some of you know that back in October I had to go to the ER because I couldn't breathe and had some chest pains. I'd had symptoms like this in the past and new that it was probably a symptom of Cardiomyopathy from my chemotherapy (yeah, don't look it up, you won't like it). After some fighting with the ER doctor who wanted to give me needless tests and make me sign waivers for X-rays I didn't need I saw a cardiologist in the ER who told me that I was right (and that the stupid ER doc was wrong and I did not need an x-ray). My cardiologist, who I have always felt super comfortable with and respected, felt that right now with my numbers just being on the high side of bad (does that make sense?) that we' d take a wait and see approach to medication. I was of course, thrilled with this news, the longer that BF didn't have to be exposed to medication the happier I was.

A few weeks ago I caught the plague from Mr.Flamingo. I felt like crap and had to take 2 days off of work to recover. I went to my peranatologist, the baby doctor I see because I'm considered high risk with this heart thing, and she saw my amniotic fluid was low... most likely due to my cold. No biggie, drink water come back in two weeks. I went back yesterday and BF looks great as does my fluid level. From there I went to my cardiologist because I'd been having issues catching my breath since the cold.

The cardiologist was not happy with what he saw... so he told me my retirement age had arrived... I'm to stay home and take it easy until further notice. I'm also on a low sodium diet which SUCKS OUT LOUD when all you want is french fries from McDonalds and ruffles potato chips... I'm eating lots of fruits, veggies and lean meats (which means chicken because I always forget what kind of fish I can eat and Mr.Flamingo doesn't eat fish).

It really is the worst possible time for me to go out... my kids have performances next Wednesday and need a lot of help to get it together. And they really need me to do it... but, my health and BF are my concerns now... they'll muddle through without me.

So, I have anywhere between 6 and 10 weeks before BF is due to arrive and I'm at home until then... I guess I'll get lots of reading done, lots of knitting finished and hopefully I won't be doing too much online shopping.

Got any book suggestions?

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Brief Rant

So, I've been pregnant almost 30 weeks at this point... That's over half a year... and I have some rants.

1. Why is it when you run into your peers and they find out you're pregnant they nearly always say "Oh, we aren't trying yet because we want to travel." I have to stop myself from responding with, "Well, we are just planning on sitting at home for the next 5 years looking at the baby... Because of that law that says you can't travel once you have children."

2. So, lately because of a cold I haven't been sleeping well. Some people have asked how I'm doing and I'll say I'm not sleeping well... and they almost always say, "Well, you need to sleep now because once that baby comes...." LIKE I DON'T KNOW PEOPLE! I know that I'm not going to be sleeping for at least 12 weeks... I know this!!! This does not mean I'm sleeping now... It also doesn't mean that I can sleep now does? Doesn't change the fact that my nose is stuffy and i can't breathe good which means I can't sleep, does it?

3. When people see me they assume that I'm not that pregnant or that I'm not eating right... I've actually be told to lay off of the sweets people... not because I have gestational diabetes or anything, but because I gained a good deal in one month... my baby is over 3 lbs now... She's big.

End of Rant.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm home for the second day in a row. Mr.Flamingo decided to gift me with his cold from over the weekend. It never fails if he get sick I will get it two days later. He ALWAYS gets sick on a Saturday which means I have to deal with it during the week when I'm supposed to be teaching young minds the brilliance of theater.

I went to one of my 3 regular doctors that I have begun visiting during this pregnancy. This one is my "high-risk" doctor. I'm only considered high-risk because of the heart problem I manifest at about 16 weeks. That and they can do really awesome ultra-sounds there that are basically echo cardiograms on the babies heart too, just to check for defects (thank you chemotherapy for that)... mostly for me it means that I get more pictures of Baby Flamingo than the average person. We could see her eye lids and her chubby little cheeks and all that good stuff. She's getting more cramped in there so it's hard to get a great picture. We also found out that I'm a little low on the amniotic fluid. This is most likely caused by the fact that I have this lovely cold and I'm in the 3rd trimester. I'm not DANGEROUSLY low, just on the low end of normal (that's where I spend a lot of my life medically) but they did encourage me to take it easy and drink lots of water.

I go back to my OB (a DIFFERENT doctor) on Tuesday and then back to the high risk doc the following Wednesday. The hospital is going to get so much money from me because they charge for parking. Then sometimes in the next month I go to my cardiologist... and I got a call yesterday that my orthopedist might want to see me... forget the fact that I haven't seen him in 15 years probably and he can't take any x-rays or anything, but I said I'd be willing to come in...

Only 11 weeks until the Baby Flamingo makes her debut... WE HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I don't have much of anything interesting to write.

Christmas was good. Mr.Flamingo and I exchanged gifts early because we're both impatient and I really wanted my iPhone. For Christmas itself I got a lot of stuff for BF which was fun... We're almost 26 weeks along here which is nice because she could not survive outside of me if something catastrophic were to happen, but hopefully nothing catastrophic is going to happen. And we've bought a crib and bedding which means that she'll have a place to sleep.

I'm back at school and today is much harder than yesterday. I sorta feel like crap. I've been kinda coughing for about two weeks, but I thought it was because of the heater in my house sucking us dry... then yesterday because it is 90 degrees in ATL we turned off the heater and this morning the cough is worse... I blame it on germy kids.

I've stopped sleeping at night because of little Rockstar who is pressing my sciatic nerve, which sucks mightily. I can't turn over without waking up because OMG IT HURTS LIKE A BITCH. Which just makes me cranky... yay?

So, i just had to send a kid to the office for hitting another student. Now, the student who did the hitting is a target for bullying because he is short, wears glasses, awkward socially and has a pretty significant learning disability. The student he hit is one that I've thought about taking out of my room and tying to a chair just to get him to be still and leave others alone. Now, hitting is NEVER acceptable under any circumstances but know for a fact that our hitter has been told by his parents to hit students who pick on him... a bit old school. So, I had to send the most bullied student in our entire school to the office for being antagonized by a student who is in detention every damn day... but I couldn't catch him bullying our hitter. He's so damn sneaky. I really dislike middle school boys today.