Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Father's Day

Father's Day was extra special in the Flamingo household. It was that weekend that we decided to have Kennedy dedicated at church. We were so blessed to be able to have Grandma Flamingo (my MIL) and Aunt J. Flamingo (Aunt-in-law) come into town as well as all of my family. It was a very special

I've never put a lot of stock into Father's Day because my own father was/is lacking in the fathering aspect of being a Father. I never got all gooey over the thoughts of my Dad teaching me to ride a bike (he didn't) or walking me down the aisle (didn't do that either- didn't know I was married until a year later). This was not only Baby Flamingo's first Father's Day, it was mine as well. I loved picking out just the right gift for Daddy Flamingo (I love gift giving) and the right cards. I got such a kick out of all of it.

But, I know this is not the most important part. That Father's Day is not a once a year thing. It's an every day thing. He is always there for us, not only in the most basic manners as far as making sure we are taken care of. His love for us is visible. His desire to teach Baby Flamingo to seek out Christ and to raise her in a loving and stable household is his top priority. He helps me do whatever it is that needs to be done that day, and often does it without even a thank you from me. I can't wait to teach Baby Flamingo how to say thank you and I love you... and to watch her Daddy the first time she says that to him.

Thank you honey for being such a great Daddy... Thank you for my first Father's Day too.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Objects May Be Closer Than They Appear

Baby Flamingo has discovered objects! Her play yard is a thing of wonder and excitement and typically gives me enough time to get my breakfast and meds taken before she loses her patience with me. She has figured out how to get her hands in her mouth but I'm not sure that she realizes she has hands yet. For the past week when I go into her room to get her in the AM she is sucking her thumb (which is the CUTEST thing ever). Just now I put the mobile on her bouncy seat and it was so exciting she had to spit up a little.

I like to joke that she's working on her first novel, "Fighting Sleep in 10 Easy Steps." the first step being, 1. Look cute! Your Mom won't be able to resist kissing those cheeks!

My MIL- Gramma Flamingo and her Sister Auntie J. came for a visit over the weekend for BF's dedication at church. They loved taking care of BF and spoiling her rotten. I just hope she doesn't get too angry with me now that they've gone back home.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Big Girl

Baby Flamingo is being such a big girl! She's done great the past two nights in her crib. The first night she slept from her 11:00 feeding until 6 the next morning (and I only went in once to check on her too) and last night she slept from about 9 until 3:30. During the day she still eats about every three hours, but I'm loving this at night thing. Of course, last night when she woke up at 3:30 I was then awake until 8:30. We both took a nap then.

Today when we got home from running some errands we found out that Baby Flamingo really enjoys sitting up like a big girl. Not so much in her Bumbo seat, but just propped up on our couch.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Catie's Cure Classic and Moving

I have always been involved in the fight against Childhood Cancer... Consider donating to this fundraiser. I know times are tough, especially for those of us who don't get actual paychecks from our employers (except in smiles and giggles). But, if you have $25.00 think about donating. http://catiescureclassic.com/

Can I say that I love the fact that Project Runway is coming back in August? Also, that it's still in re-runs on Bravo. Of course, I shouldn't be watching it right now or writing this since Baby Flamingo's room is a mess right now. I'm trying to get her clothes organized because we don't have a dresser for her currently (grrr.) and her little clothes can end up all over the place. Plus I needed to weed out the onsies that don't fit anymore. I'm proud to say that she's grown out of most of her New Born clothing, of course she's 12 weeks today. There are still several New Born things that she wears, but a lot of her onsies don't fit.

I'm taking a HUGE step and trying to move Baby Flamingo into her room tonight. I'm nervous about moving her into her room because she has some serious reflux and likes to make me nervous by getting chokey sounding. Her doctor swears that she'll out grown this, but it still freaks me out. Currently her crib is up against the wall but, I'm going to move it to the center over her shag pink rug (which she'll love when she's 17)so I can put her cradle back in her room as well as the rocking chair. I'm going to use her cradle as a place to put all of her toys and stuffed animals. And if it kills me I'm going to fashion some sort of dresser for her.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Belkis and an Unrelated Note

We here at Flamingos Three have a super woman in our midst. I wish I could say it was me, but alas it is not. About a year and a half ago I was given the fortune of finding Belkis, our AMAZING housekeeper. She comes once a week (and sometimes more just to visit) and makes my house presentable. She cleans every surface, does my laundry, puts it away and even empties my diaper genie. It's a miraculous thing.

Belkis has been with us through our entire pregnancy, she was actually one of the first to know (before Nana Flamingo even, she found the pregnancy test in the bathroom) and gave us a dozen roses to tell us how happy she was. Since Baby Flamingo has been home she's been such a help! Last Monday (that's right she still worked on Memorial Day) she fed BF so I could do some other things around the house. Today she got her to sleep for her morning nap. BF is not one to want to sleep in her crib during the day- she thinks that's what I'm for, but Belkis the magician got her down so I could type this post.

On a totally unrelated note- I'm heading out in a few minutes for my cardiology appointment. We're praying for a completely normal heart with a completely normal ejection fraction so that we can hopefully give BF a sibling to terrorize sometime in the future.