Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I don't know if I've been missed or not... I check here daily, but never seem to have the time or energy or creativity to post. I thought I'd post some more pictures of Baby Flamingo because that's about as creative as I get these days. She'll be 8 weeks old tomorrow, which boggles my mind... how can she already be 8 weeks old? Wasn't I just finding out we were pregnant last week?

My new job is definitely more demanding than anything I've ever done and the monetary benefits are nothing like what I was making as a teacher, but it is by far my favorite profession of all time. Baby Flamingo isn't a great communicator, she's easily frustrated and often more demanding than any middle schooler I ever worked with. She knows what she wants and she wants it right then. She doesn't have a lot of patience for me as I try to decipher what it is she wants or why I get something ready for her. Her thinking is I should have had it prepared before she asked for it. She is definitely vocal in her demands, just not in a language I easily understand. I tell her I'm still working on my telepathy skills. She likes to hold meetings during the middle of the night and wants me to be focused and attentive (and to bring snacks) during these 2 AM meeting of the minds.

But overall, being a Mom is great. I love the little sigh I get from her when she's been crying and I pick her up. It's this sweet little puff of air as I pick her up that says, "oh, there you are." Her little head fits on my chest and she squirrels her little 7 lbs. body so that she fits exactly where her head in under my chin and she'll be content to snuggle there until something else strikes her fancy. She is learning how to focus her eyes and it's enlightening to watch someone discover things we take for granted every day and never notice. Shadows can entertain her for almost half an hour (long enough for me to maybe grab some lunch) and the sunshine coming through her window is fascinating.

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