Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Father's Day

Father's Day was extra special in the Flamingo household. It was that weekend that we decided to have Kennedy dedicated at church. We were so blessed to be able to have Grandma Flamingo (my MIL) and Aunt J. Flamingo (Aunt-in-law) come into town as well as all of my family. It was a very special

I've never put a lot of stock into Father's Day because my own father was/is lacking in the fathering aspect of being a Father. I never got all gooey over the thoughts of my Dad teaching me to ride a bike (he didn't) or walking me down the aisle (didn't do that either- didn't know I was married until a year later). This was not only Baby Flamingo's first Father's Day, it was mine as well. I loved picking out just the right gift for Daddy Flamingo (I love gift giving) and the right cards. I got such a kick out of all of it.

But, I know this is not the most important part. That Father's Day is not a once a year thing. It's an every day thing. He is always there for us, not only in the most basic manners as far as making sure we are taken care of. His love for us is visible. His desire to teach Baby Flamingo to seek out Christ and to raise her in a loving and stable household is his top priority. He helps me do whatever it is that needs to be done that day, and often does it without even a thank you from me. I can't wait to teach Baby Flamingo how to say thank you and I love you... and to watch her Daddy the first time she says that to him.

Thank you honey for being such a great Daddy... Thank you for my first Father's Day too.

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