I have always been involved in the fight against Childhood Cancer... Consider donating to this fundraiser. I know times are tough, especially for those of us who don't get actual paychecks from our employers (except in smiles and giggles). But, if you have $25.00 think about donating. http://catiescureclassic.com/
Can I say that I love the fact that Project Runway is coming back in August? Also, that it's still in re-runs on Bravo. Of course, I shouldn't be watching it right now or writing this since Baby Flamingo's room is a mess right now. I'm trying to get her clothes organized because we don't have a dresser for her currently (grrr.) and her little clothes can end up all over the place. Plus I needed to weed out the onsies that don't fit anymore. I'm proud to say that she's grown out of most of her New Born clothing, of course she's 12 weeks today. There are still several New Born things that she wears, but a lot of her onsies don't fit.
I'm taking a HUGE step and trying to move Baby Flamingo into her room tonight. I'm nervous about moving her into her room because she has some serious reflux and likes to make me nervous by getting chokey sounding. Her doctor swears that she'll out grown this, but it still freaks me out. Currently her crib is up against the wall but, I'm going to move it to the center over her shag pink rug (which she'll love when she's 17)so I can put her cradle back in her room as well as the rocking chair. I'm going to use her cradle as a place to put all of her toys and stuffed animals. And if it kills me I'm going to fashion some sort of dresser for her.