Last Sunday Baby Flamingo turned a whole Four Months old.
On March 12 I was wheeled to the delivery room while my very nervous husband tried several times to get those stupid little booties on his feet. They began to work on my epidural and a-line that they used to monitor my pressure internally... my epidural took a while because I'm a little crooked. Mr.Flamingo began to worry because in his little holding room he heard a nurse tell a waiting couple that it'd be a few more minutes because of the "complicated" case before them. Finally everything was ready and Mr.Flamingo joined us and within 10 minutes our sweet little Flamingo joined us and we were a family of three.
In the past four months things have changed drastically and in ways I never anticipated. I'd had roughly eight months to come to terms with becoming a parent. I knew there would be sleepless nights (because EVERYONE TOLD ME THAT ALL THE TIME) and that going to the movies every Monday was out. What I didn't realize was that a quick trip to CVS would no longer exist. That my meandering trips to Target would be out and that I'd become a list user so I didn't dawdle anymore than Baby Flamingo would let me. That I would occasionally miss teaching (I miss the teaching and the students, not the stress) but that I would never want to go back and have someone else watch my sweet baby during this time. I didn't realize the sheer joy of watching her discover something new or at seeing her make a face that I'd seen countless times on her own Dad's face. I didn't know that I would laugh out loud so much at the things she does.
I could never have been fully prepared for Baby Flamingo or all of the things that she has learned in the four months that she's been here. She's mastered sleeping through the night (and sometimes I have to wake her up in the morning because I want to play). She has found her hands but still has problems getting her thumb in her mouth all of the time. She is a gracious smiler and will dole them out to just about anyone. When she laughs it sounds like a drunk old man, between the huffs and hiccups that inevitably happen.
Some of Baby Flamingo's favorite things:
* Her bottle
* Her play yard that provides hours of entertainment
* The cats
* The television when Mommy forgets to turn it off
* Being an airplane
* Her thumb
Somethings she's not too fond of:
* Shots
* Clothing changes or clothes at all
* Socks or shoes
* Anything that goes on her head
* Her Ergo Carrier when it's hot
* Tummy time
In Which She Writes Promises Her Blog Can't Cash
2 years ago