Sunday, March 15, 2009


Introducing Baby Flamingo!
March 12, 2009 at 12:48 PM
5.14.7 lbs. and 18.5 inches

She's currently in the NICU but is doing as well as can be expected. Her little lungs are just a little behind. They put her on a ventilator about 6 hours after she was born. I was still in ICU myself so I hadn't even seen her yet, needless to say that was difficult. My Mom and Mr.Flamingo went as often as they were allowed to take pictures of her for me. Finally the next day they decided I was doing well enough to get out of ICU and be put in a regular bed. I didn't even make it to my actual hospital room, instead I went straight to the NICU so I could meet Baby Flamingo myself. She's perfect. She was taken off of the vent. today and put back on the C-PAP. She has several milestones to meet before she'll be discharged so it looks like for now I'll be going home before she does.

I'm doing well. They've got me on an assortment of meds to make sure my heart continues to behave and so far it is. I feel fine (as well as I can after major surgery) and enjoy all of the pain medication that is offered (even if I do think that the fact that I have to rate my pain each time I get a percocet is a bit much).

I might now have had the "ideal" birth, I have the ideal baby.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So, I've been in the hospital since last Friday.

I went to my Perinatal Specialist (high risk baby doctor) and she decided that it was time to deliver. My heart function while not great, was holding, the babies amniotic fluid wasn't too low, but still not great and I was having some swelling. Mr.Flamingo and I were, of course, a little shocked and slightly overwhelmed. Still so much to do, get the car seat installed, finish decorating her room, etc... It was decided though after some tests that we could try to wait another week and get her to 35 weeks.

I've been treated SO well since I got here. Each of the nurses, techs, doctors, lab techs, food service people (except for Brian who made me cry because I couldn't have the hashbrowns) have been amazing. The hospital has been doing a great job of keeping some sense of consistency for me. I've had the same nurses during the day and at night and they've always done a great job of making sure that I'm well taken care of.

Just found out that Baby Flamingo will be here on Thursday about noon. Woohoo! But, on the same hand, OMG I'm going to be a parent!